Soft Shell, Kunstverein Freiburg, DK, 13th September – 10th November 2013

Soft Shell Exhibition Essay, Caroline Käding, 2013
Art Monthly, New Realism, Mark Prince, Issue 376, May 2014

Tsunami, 2013, Digital Print on Heavy Crepe de Chine; Cast and Mirror Polished Aluminium; Chrome Bar; Steel Cables, H1236cm x W141.50cm x D757cm

Soft Shell, 2013, Rolled and Mirror Polished Stainless Steel; Curved and Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Bar; Cast, Pigmented, Translucent Polyurethane Resin; Cast Aluminium; Accordion Pleated Hi-tech Lamé, H31.20cm x W306cm x D99cm

Exoskeleton, 2013, Rolled and Mirror Polished Stainless Steel; Curved and Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Bar; Cast, Pigmented, Translucent Polyurethane Resin; Cast Bronze; Cast Aluminium; Accordion Pleated Hi-tech Lamé, H35.3cm x W461cm x D101cm

Chlorine, 2013, Lighting Gels, Dimensions Variable

Nanoparticle, 2013, Cast and Mirror Polished Aluminium, H40cm x W210.50cm x D40cm

ID4700, 2013, Cast; Pigmented; Translucent Polyurethane Resin

© Alice Channer